Rescue Me! Shiba Inu Shiba Inu Blog

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1,349,463 animals have been adopted on Rescue Me!

Letters below were sent to founder Jeff Gold from people helped by Rescue Me!

Sender: Caroline Rodriguez     Date: September 16, 2018 _
     Mickey has found his forever home! Thank you so much, Rescue Me! He found a good match since he had lost his human Mom and his new parents lost their Shiba. They can console and love each other! He also has land to run on and a back yard! Your website brought a happy ending to both Shiba and Human!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Shiba Inu Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Maria Bonilla     Date: January 19, 2018 _
     Without Rescue Me, I would not have been successful in finding a furever home for Foxy. There were lots of interested folks, but I was able to narrow it down to the best family for Foxy. His new family loves him very much! Foxy has a home with a fenced yard, a new mom and dad, a lab/husky playmate and three teenagers to love him and take care of him. He is one lucky dog because his new family are active outdoors and take him everywhere! Thank you so much Rescue Me!

Sender: Carol Nystrom     Date: August 22, 2017 _
     I lost my sweet companion of 16 plus years. As time moved on, I realized I cannot function without a canine partner so I started searching Rescue Me for a new partner. While on vacation, I decided to see if there was anything and I found little Willow the Shiba Inu on Rescue Me. I was able to call on her and received a return call from Michelle right away, which I was pleasantly surprised at and we arranged to meet that afternoon. The minute I met her I knew she was the right one, but I had competition! Thankfully, I was gifted with the choice and Willow began her life with me by having to travel all the way from Utah to Washington State the next day! She did beautifully! Two long days of driving, a night in a hotel, meeting all kinds of people and other dogs... She handled it like a trooper. On arriving here, she began meeting even more people here in my apartment complex of elders who just love her to bits. She loves the attention. This speaks well for the care she received at the hands of Michelle and her family. Willow is adjusting very well and today, greeted me after my return from work with some hysterically funny yowling, very chatty and happy. There is no doubt in my mind, she's right for me. I look forward to many happy years with her and am thankful for Michelle and Rescue Me. I would have never had this joy without you. Thank you!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Shiba Inu Rescue

Sender: Valter S     Date: April 5, 2017 _
     Lots of traffic on your site! Many great people who were interested in Tiger came from your site. I am so happy it all worked out. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Sender: Michelle Norred     Date: March 31, 2017 _
     Kit has a new home! She has been adopted by a wonderful couple! Thank you, Rescue Me, for helping me find her a loving home!

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Sender: Mary Battle     Date: October 1, 2016 _
     My foster Mom could no longer care for me. A very special person has sponsored me for heartworm disease treatment to be completed at the Humane Society so that I can beat this disease (my foster mom's dream). I will be in a loving, adoptive, cat-free home before the age of three! Many people helped me to come this far, and I'm slowly moving toward my healthy, happy destiny. Thank You for posting me, Rescue Me.

Sender: Barney Schmitttt     Date: March 10, 2016 _
     Buddy was adopted by a wonderful family who will be making a donation to Rescue Me. We very much appreciate this site in helping us to find a home for him! Thank You!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Shiba Inu Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Todd Harvey     Date: March 4, 2016 _
     We adopted Eva from a family that moved to a condo from a four bedroom house with a yard. We are thrilled to say that she has acclimated wonderfully! She's smart, loving, a fan of cuddling, and a WORLD class food mooch. We are in love with this little girl, and we are so, SO pleased that your site enabled us to get hold of her. Thanks a million, Rescue Me!

Sender: Staci Goveia     Date: February 18, 2016 _
     Maui found a fabulous home with a great family! Thank you, Rescue Me.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Shiba Inu Rescue

Sender: Joshua Chavez     Date: July 6, 2015 _
     The hardest decision I made in a long time was to rehome my loyal friend. Life's changes have caused different focuses and my poor little girl got the short end of the deal. I definitely wanted to make sure she would have a good home to go to. Within 12 hours of posting on Rescue Me, I had four emails and a call. I had the ability to selectively interview people to make sure she found the perfect home, and she did. It helps knowing that her new parents are loving and will take care of her every need. Thanks Rescue Me!

Sender: Mary Ann Coles     Date: September 24, 2014 _
     I so appreciate having Rescue Me available to help people find new homes for their pets. It was easy and, within 24 hours, I started to get inquiries about Ellie. Everyone who contacted me seemed caring and genuine about their interest in Ellie. Ellie found a new home with a great couple who seemed to be a perfect fit for her. I will miss her, yet I know she will be with people that will take good care of her and love her!

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Sender: Melody Grant     Date: September 14, 2014 _
     After a foster home and a failed re-homing attempt it was clear that Lelo needed to be in a one dog household. Barbara and Maurice saw her post on Rescue Me and immediately called for more information. They were so anxious meet her that they altered their travel plans. Maurice was looking for a walking partner, which is one of Lelo's favorite past-times. Love this Site!

Sender: Trevor Johnston     Date: May 21, 2014 _
     Thank you to the operators of this Rescue Me site and its patrons. Chase was so close to being euthanized if a home could not be found for him. It came down to less than 24 hours left to save his life. I ended up getting such a huge response that, after sorting through the many replies, a great family was able to be found and a life was able to be saved. Thank you all again. I couldn't have done it without all those who share the undying love for these beautiful dogs.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Shiba Inu Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: David Dougherty     Date: April 1, 2014 _
     Lupa has a new forever home and will be well be taken care of. I did have to take a 2 hour drive but, it was worth it to make sure she is happy.

Sender: Michelle Moran     Date: November 10, 2013 _
     Jeff, Thank you so much for your valuable site. My Kobe has found a new home with two new wonderful puppy parents to take care of him. He even has a new sister Shiba Inu, Neko! I had a response to Kobe's post on Rescue Me! the same day I posted. Although I am very sad without my sweet baby, I know he is with a new family that will love him, and they are also going to let us visit. Thank you so much again. Sincerely, Michelle

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Shiba Inu Rescue

Sender: Steven Butler     Date: November 3, 2013 _
     Thank you to the family that had Ray. He's a sweet, playful and curious dog. He's quickly adjusting to life in downtown and meeting and being social with lots of friends. Ray has not shown any signs of aggression and has become very comfortable in his new home. What a great companion to have!

Sender: Crystal Buttron     Date: October 16, 2013 _
     I was contacted by Robert from Tri State Shiba Rescue in regards to this little girl. She had been abandoned in our neighborhood. After a few conversations back and forth he put us in contact with someone in Missouri that offered to foster her. The foster, Chelsea, had lost her Shiba Inu to illness a few weeks prior, and as we talked it became obvious that she loved this little girl. Chelsea and I have kept in touch and they have decided to keep her! If it wasn't for Rescue Me! I don't know if we would have found such a great home for her. Thank you so much! Crystal Buttron

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Sender: Denise Barto     Date: August 20, 2013 _
     Shinyuu is now living on the east coast of FL. His new family is terrific with lots of love, space and caring to share! We are so grateful for Rescue Me!, all its supporters and the wonderful people that make these adoptions an easier transition. The special person that has Shinyuu now will no doubt give him all the love and spoiling he has grown accustomed to, and then some! He will also have another dog to play and hang out with. I'm so happy and relieved to know he's in such good hands! Thank you again to everyone that made this possible, and special gratitude to Shinyuu's new owner - Therese! What a blessing.

Sender: Elizabeth Davis     Date: August 3, 2013 _
     Thanks to Rescue Me! we found a fabulous home for Storm quickly and easily! It's difficult to find a quality owner for the Shiba Inu breed. With their strong stubborn and independent personality, it takes just the right person to step into the Alpha role and train them. Thanks to this organization, I was able to find just the right family!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Shiba Inu Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Mara Costabile     Date: June 18, 2013 _
     Jeff, We have a wonderful loving addition to our family! Suki Aya fit right in the with our family. You could tell that she was well loved and taken care of, but the owner just had life changing events that prevented her from keeping Suki with her. I promised her that Suki's home would be full of love and caring, which has proved to be true of both Suki to us, and us to Suki! Thanks for providing us a great avenue to find our wonderful Suki Aya Shiba Inu! Mara

Sender: Ryan Glasspool     Date: June 6, 2013 _
     My Shiba Inu found a home today!!!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Shiba Inu Rescue

Sender: Jacqui Mills     Date: April 28, 2013 _
     Through this wonderful organization, Rescue Me!, I was able to find a perfect home for Tunchi! I had a tremendous response which was great, it gave me many choices in picking the right home for him! Thank you so much for the courtesy listing.

Sender: Susanne Langdon     Date: April 4, 2013 _
     Thanks so much to Rescue Me! for helping me find a home for my dog. I found a home for her within 2 hours of posting her on the website. I was so worried that I wouldn't be able to find a home for her but actually had three replies. I have let everyone know what a wonderful website this is for adopting out or in a pet. Thanks so much for being here.

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Sender: Linda Czap     Date: January 30, 2013 _
     My Shiba Inu has been placed in a lovely home with a lady who will love her, protect her and be her best friend ever. Thank you to Rescue Me! for having this wonderful site! The lady had owned a Shiba before so I knew she wouldn't be surprised at the activity that Shibas really need. I had many people who wanted Sheba, but I'm sure that we found just the perfect person. Thank you to Rescue Me!

Sender: Bobbie Sherman     Date: December 25, 2012 _
     This was a great website for us to find our dogs a new home. They were adopted by a wonderful family for a Christmas surprise! I know the dogs are enjoying their new home. Thanks!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Shiba Inu Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Jennifer Womack     Date: November 18, 2012 _
     A family member pointed me to Rescue Me!, and in a few days I had a meeting set up. A week later, and my beautiful boy found the perfect home! I couldn't be happier! We already miss him, but I know that his new family will love him as much as we do.

Sender: Elizabeth French     Date: October 8, 2012 _
     I had Hatchi posted on here and he was adopted within a week! He is going to a family who is so excited to have him and are going to spoil him with all kinds of love. I'm so happy for him and thankful for RescueMe.Org, he might still be waiting for his family without this site!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Shiba Inu Rescue

Sender: Kevin & Kathy Bradley     Date: August 8, 2012 _
     I would like to thank you for helping to find my dog Bella a new home so fast. Due to divorce my Shibu Inu needed to find a new home. You were the first site I went to. Within the first day I had a wonderful women interested in meeting Bella. Holly came that weekend twice and decided Bella would be a wonderful addition to her new home. Thank you so much for helping me find a way for my Shibu Inu to be rescued from another Shibu Inu lover. Kathy in Grafton Mass.

Sender: Kelli Brewer     Date: July 11, 2012 _
     I found the perfect home for my baby! Hard to watch him leave but I know it was best for all!!! His new family adores him and I know he is happy!!!!!!

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Sender: Belle Piner     Date: July 9, 2012 _
     Well I have had 'Faithy' now for quite a while, 5 yrs, but do to my divorce and health, I could no longer keep her, and so I wanted to make sure I found her a great loving home, and that is when I found Rescue Me site, I posted her picture and information about her, and not even within 10 minutes I received a phone call from someone that was very interested in her, we discussed her and her personality etc for a few minutes, he sounded extremely excited and I was a little apprehensive, & I was going to miss her so badly! However all that calmed down when he came in and met her for the first time, she went up to him and licked him on the face which is NOT something she normally does to a stranger, that made me feel a little more at ease, I did cry when she was about to leave and gave her a big hug and kiss, and then they took her home, and she has been taken to the vet, and groomed, and gotten her teeth cleaned, and she is once again in a LOVING HOME! and I could not thank Rescue Me enough, for helping me find that perfect LOVING HOME for her!!! He Loves Faithy and Faithy LOVES HIM!!!! And I am SO Relieved!!!! Belle

Sender: Terry Brase     Date: May 30, 2012 _
     Chester was an escape artist that was harassing and fighting with neighborhood dogs when he got out. We could not get our fence secure enough to keep him in! After listing Chester on Rescue Me, a couple emailed whom already had a Shiba and wanted another as a companion. They had a big yard, a secure fence, and after meeting them we knew they would be good for Chester. We are very happy that Chester has found a good home with people that have time for him and a companion Shiba!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Shiba Inu Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Melody Grant     Date: May 27, 2012 _
     The Rescue Me site helped us find a family to adopt both Dante & Kizen, allowing them to stay together. After several weeks of trying to find a home for the boys they were headed to a shelter when we posted them on the Rescue Me site. The Diaz family saw their profiles, contacted us, and adopted both of them at their initial meet & greet. Wonderful outcome - the boys found a new home within a few days of posting. Thank You for your site, and to the Diaz family!

Sender: Jeff Martin     Date: April 29, 2012 _
     Because our growing family was not allowing us to spend time with our dogs like they deserved, I was able to find a home that both of my dogs could move to! They will be living with an awesome new family and a 3rd Shiba Inu! Thank you for creating this site and most importantly helping me connect with someone who will LOVE my dogs like we do! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!! Thank You!!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Shiba Inu Rescue

Sender: Dana Purcell     Date: March 31, 2012 _
     I cannot thank Rescue Me! enough!! Within 24 hours, I found the perfect home for our little Shiba Inu pup, Sheebu. She was adopted by a family that has 2 young daughters, a 1 1/2 year old Shiba Inu male pup in need of a companion, and a wonderful, caring young couple who will give her a fantastic family life. And, I have made a new friend in the process - Sheebu's new 'Mom'! Thank you for providing this wonderful service. I will highly recommend your site, and am happily, and gratefully, making a donation today as well. Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!! Dana

Sender: Carrie Smith     Date: March 23, 2012 _
     I have a bunch of people who are interested in him. I am actually surprised that I had such a response for him. He is a good dog, but I know how hard it is to adopt out dogs. He has been in the house alone for about a month now needed to be placed in the next week or two. I have two dogs of my own, or I would have taken him in myself. I am grateful for the response of people interested in Jack that use Rescue Me! I have heard of it, but wasn't sure how popular the site was until now.

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Sender: Susan Mueller     Date: February 20, 2012 _
     Dear Jeff, Thank you so much for your website. It was very easy to create a search that found a perfect fit for us. After a Shiba Inu mix we were hoping to adopt from a shelter 90 minutes away was adopted by someone else first, I found your site. There were three Shiba Inus listed within two hours of us. Kenta was only 15 minutes away! His owner was extremely gracious and we are thrilled to have such a wonderful addition to our family! We never would have known he needed a home even though he was so close to us. I will donate to your organization before the year is over. This is a fantastic service you are providing. I'm so glad Kenta didn't have to go to a shelter before finding a new home! Susan Tighe Math Tutor Silpada Designs Representative

Sender: Karen Fuller     Date: February 3, 2012 _
     Hi Jeff, I found your website to be exactly what pets all over the nation need! A central clearinghouse if you will, for good people trying to do the right thing for their animals. Feel free to use my comments. I was amazed at the quick responses, and yes, Junior is now in the hands of a neighbor down my street. She has a Golden Retriever and a Lab, both of whom Junior plays with on a regular basis. Now he gets to do it full time! She loves Junior and has teenagers who will enjoy his energy more than my elderly cat does. Your website is thorough, easy to navigate, and allows confidential inquiries. I will use it again if I'm in a position to adopt an animal. Thank you for what you do. I made a small donation. Sorry it isn't more. Keep up the good work. Thank you, Karen

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Shiba Inu Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Kristi Clark     Date: January 25, 2012 _
     Hi there! It was a very emotional decision to have to place our Shiba into another home that would suit her needs better. helped generate a lot of interest in our dog and I couldn't have been happier about the result. We found a family who was really excited to adopt her, and that make the transition a bit easier on me and my husband. Thanks for creating a great service! - Kristi Clark

Sender: Janet Lee     Date: January 13, 2012 _
     We had several strong inquiries in the first week and we were able to do a home visit with a prospective family last Sunday. They will be picking him up tomorrow. He has found a wonderful new home. This is the first time I have ever had to surrender a pet and it has been difficult but finding a good home for Koda has made it easier. Thanks so much. Janet

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Shiba Inu Rescue

Sender: Tara Claudio     Date: December 5, 2011 _
     Jeff, Your site was IMMENSELY helpful during Tanner's journey...It was easy to use and I got responses back immediately, which was a HUGE plus since Tanner's situation waffled between precarious, potentially deadly to uncertain.... It all worked out in the end as one of the users of your site called and ended up fostering him until his Mom (the one that originally found him left for dead along a country road) was able to get on her own two feet, find a stable living situation where she wasn't being threatened or forced to take him to a kill shelter and obtain steady employment. Thanks so much for this amazing site!!! I was just a neighbor grasping at straws to help save this little guy who was directed to Rescue Me....Honestly, I don't think Tanner's situation would have had a happy ending without you!!! God bless you for your kind and generous heart in helping save our 'Best Friends'... Gratefully yours, Tara

Sender: James Zanine     Date: November 29, 2011 _
     Hi Jeff, We were able to find Juno a good home. Last week I received a call from a young couple, no kids, nor planning to have kids, no other pets, just purchased a house with a fenced in yard and were looking for this particular breed. I had them meet Juno to gauge her reaction. They fell in love with her and I took Juno to them. She seemed to bond with them right away. A little shy at first but soon was walking on her leash with them without me around. They recently called me and let me know that she is doing remarkably well adjusting. She is able to roam the house on her own and sleeps next to their bed at night. This was something we could not offer Juno because of the cats. I was very happy with the website and believe it truly benefitted Juno. I will make sure to send a donation soon enough. Regards, Jim Zanine

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Sender: William West     Date: November 4, 2011 _
     Jeff, We were delighted to use Rescue Me! to help find a new home for our Shiba Inu mix. One prospective new pet parent will meet her tomorrow with another on stand-by. Rescue Me! is the perfect avenue for relocating a loved one. Thank you, Wil West

Sender: Scott Kane     Date: October 23, 2011 _
     Good Afternoon Jeff, He did find a new home just minutes ago with a great caring family. I would definitely recommend your site. Scott Kane

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Shiba Inu Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Jason Gray     Date: October 11, 2011 _
     Hi Jeff, Chooli did find a new home, so quickly I'm still shocked at the efficiency. I posted her on Sunday morning, had been contacted by Sunday evening and connected with her new family on Monday. I was also very happy with the ease of removing the post to avoid unnecessary inquiries. Thank you for providing this service and helping pet owners and pets connect easily. I'll gladly make a donation to help you help others. Jason Gray

Sender: Brenda Sydor     Date: September 20, 2011 _
     Hi Jeff, I did find a great home for him. He is with a lady and her hubby and she is home all day and has another Shiba for him to pal around with. He will have a much happier life and although, I miss him....he's really better off. Anyway...I didn't find this home through Rescue Me.....never had one hit. So I tried Craig's List and was innodated with responses. I picked and chose through all the notes and met this lady and she was awesome. Guess, ya won't be posting this in your news letter. hahahhaha. Sorry. Thank you for checking on his status and take care. Brenda

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Shiba Inu Rescue

Sender: Dakota Facto     Date: September 8, 2011 _
     Hi Jeff, What a great rescue site! Within the first hour of my post we received inquiries. The very next day she has been placed in her forever home. Thank you so much for creating this site to help these pets find new homes. I am very pleased with our experience and hope to hear the puppy is happy in her new home. Sincerely, Amy F.

Sender: Alejandro Escobar     Date: September 1, 2011 _
     Hello, I think your site is great. I got about 20 emails the first hour that Samy was on. I did chichi the references of the people he went to and they are great. They drove all the way from Las Vegas to pick him up. Thank you, Alejandro Escobar

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Sender: Greg Spaulding     Date: August 15, 2011 _
     Jeff, Moka was adopted. Rescue me was a good option for us. We received several inquiries a week rather than one in a month on another adoption site. Thanks Greg

Sender: Jane Lambert     Date: July 17, 2011 _
     Rosie was adopted. As you can imagine, it's a mixture of relief, and sadness. I had very many inquiries because of the shiba inu rescue site. I am most grateful for your interest, and that you started such a site. I received a call from the new owners to say she arrived; however, I will feel even better after a while knowing that it is a good fit. Thank You, Jeff, for the work you do. Jane

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Shiba Inu Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Alyse Scoggins     Date: July 5, 2011 _
     Jeff, Dixi did find a new home! Your site worked wonders! Thank you! We will use your site in the future! Thanks, Alyse

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